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Comedy career clicks for UIndy alumnus

Brent Terhune (Inside UIndy photo) [1]
Brent Terhune (Inside UIndy photo)

Brent Terhune hasn’t hit the big time yet, but he is nurturing a national reputation, and he’s definitely a celebrity right now on Indianapolis’ south side.

With his first comedy album set for release next week, the 2012 UIndy grad graces the covers of both the Southside Times [2] and Southsider Voice [3] weekly newspapers.

Terhune, a Roncalli High School graduate, majored in Communication [4] at UIndy and made the most of the opportunities, including on-air work at WICR radio and an internship-turned-writing-gig with the nationally syndicated Bob & Tom Show, which he landed with a little help from faculty connections. Now he’s on the road more than 40 weeks a year, living his dream of being a standup comedian. His performance venues have included theaters, a yacht and a prison, and he’s fine with that.

“One of my college professors said that you’ve found your passion if you know you would do it for free,” Terhune told the Times. “I’m lucky to get to do what I like and they give me a check at the end.”

turkey [5]He and some comedian pals will celebrate the release of his first recorded comedy collection, Mr. Turkey, with a show at 9 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 5, at White Rabbit Cabaret [6] in Fountain Square. The $10 admission cost includes a copy of the album, which also will be available on iTunes.

Read about the album and its creator on the Voice [3] and Times [2] websites. See earlier profiles of Terhune as a student in the archives of Inside UIndy [7] and The Reflector [8]. And sample his comedy, cartoons and characters at brentcomedy.com [9].