City moving forward on Red Line transit route

A series of public meetings this month will give residents a chance to learn and offer input about a proposed public transit line that would link the UIndy campus to Fountain Square, downtown, Broad Ripple and points in between — perhaps as soon as 2018.
The Red Line is the first of five proposed express routes in a billion-dollar bus rapid transit system, dubbed Indy Connect, that would crisscross central Indiana. A station at Shelby Street and Hanna Avenue would be one of 27 stops along the initial 14-mile segment, with electric-powered, wifi-equipped buses 60 feet long picking up passengers every 10 minutes from 5 a.m. to 1 a.m., if all goes according to plan.

IndyGo is applying for a $50 million federal grant to fund initial engineering and construction. Eventually the Red Line would extend 35 miles from Greenwood to Westfield, and other lines would follow.
The upcoming public meetings include 5 to 7 p.m. Aug. 18 at the Central Library, 40 E. St. Clair St., and 10 a.m. to noon Aug. 24 at the Fountain Square branch library, 1066 Virginia Ave.
Learn more from the Indianapolis Star, WTHR-Channel 13 and IndyGo.