In the news: Kinesiology, Business, Education

Dr. Matthew Beekley, associate professor in the Department of Kinesiology, is a key source for a Natural Health magazine story on the benefits of walking and other simple exercises that can be incorporated into one’s daily routine.
“Many scientists believe that being sedentary should be considered a disease in itself,” Beekley says in the piece, which you can read here.
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Dr. Rachel Smith, associate professor in the School of Business, shared some tips on personal finance with WTHR-Channel 13 for an extended story about the importance of maintaining a strong credit rating.
“I think people just don’t realize how many thousands of dollars that they can save in many different areas of their financial lives,” Smith said. See that report here.
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Dr. Greta Pennell, associate professor in the School of Education, offers advice for families in an Indianapolis Star story about school redistricting, which is causing some anxiety for kids and parents in the city’s rapidly growing suburbs.
“If you’ve been a parent who has fought hard against redistricting and it happens anyway, you’ve got to put your game face on,” says Dr. Pennell, who holds a Ph.D. in developmental and social psychology. “You have to keep a positive attitude.”
The story, which led the front page of Saturday’s Star, is here, and some additional tips for parents are here.