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Dhabih Chulhai Recognized with Open Educator Award

Photo of Dhabih Chulhai

Dhabih Chulhai, assistant professor of chemistry, was named as a recipient of the PALSave Open Educator Award for the 2023-2024 academic year. The annual award, given by the Private Academic Library Network of Indiana (PALNI), recognizes innovation and excellence in support of higher education, textbook affordability and student success.

“Having grown up under-privileged, I understand what it feels like to have the cost of textbooks become a barrier to education,” said Chulhai. “I am dedicated to making sure that this is not the case for my students. The availability and use of open education resources represent a turning point in equitable access to education.”

Chulhai is one of nine faculty members who was recognized with the award from PALNI’s supported institutions. As part of the PALSave: PALNI Affordable Learning Program, these individuals have been key players in the creation and adoption of Open Educational Resources, or OER—a move that reduces costs for students, improves access to required texts, and increases student success and retention.

“We are extremely proud to recognize this year’s Open Educator Award honorees,” said Amanda Hurford, PALNI Scholarly Communications Director. “High textbook costs continue to be a barrier to education, yet these individuals work tirelessly to make course materials more equitable and accessible to all students. With each of PALNI’s 24 supported institutions participating in PALSave, faculty and staff are reshaping the educational landscape, ensuring that every student, regardless of circumstance, can learn, thrive, and succeed. They have built a community of champions for affordable learning, and we’re excited to see their efforts benefit students now and well into the future.”

According to PALNI, the PALSave program helped 160 UIndy save a combined $13,277 in the 2023-2024 school year. The all-time savings estimate is $206,441 for a combined 3,402 students.