Hullabaloo 2025: A Celebration of Letterpress Through Exhibition, Lecture and Demonstration
The University of Indianapolis Department of Art & Design and Hullabaloo Press invite the community and members of the media to celebrate the art of letterpress at Hullabaloo 2025, a festive and immersive experience held every four years to showcase the rich history and contemporary practice of printmaking. The open house and reception will take place Monday, February 10, from 4 to 6 p.m. at the Christel DeHaan Fine Arts Center Gallery and Hullabaloo Printmaking Studio (CDFAC 113).
Hullabaloo 2025 is the third Hullabaloo Celebration and commemorates nine years of student printmaking at Hullabaloo Press, with thousands of prints produced since its inception. The event will feature live press demonstrations, hands-on printing opportunities and an exhibition highlighting contemporary letterpress works.
The exhibition will introduce two special collections added to the UIndy Permanent Collection. “The Printed Walk” by Lindsay Schmittle of Gingerly Press documents her 2,200-mile journey on the Appalachian Trail through prints created for every 100 miles of her trek. Additionally, “Ham at 20” celebrates the 20th anniversary of the Hamilton Wood Type & Printing Museum with 28 prints from 34 artists, designers and printers. The display will also feature historical artifacts from the Hamilton Wood Type & Printing Museum, along with select prints from Hullabaloo Press.
The event schedule includes:
- Hullabaloo Press/Printmaking Studio Open House (4-5 p.m.) – Guests can watch live printing demonstrations and create their own prints.
- Gallery Reception (5-6 p.m.) – A chance to view the exhibition and engage with artists and printmakers.
For help in arranging interviews about the event, or if you have additional questions or photo needs, please contact UIndy’s Director of Public & Media Relations Dan Klein at