Teen creative-writing camp starts June 22
High school students interested in creative writing can hone their talents this summer at a week-long camp led by nationally recognized writers from the University of Indianapolis.
The UIndy Young Writers Workshop will run June 22-27 on the university campus at 1400 E. Hanna Ave. The cost is $175 for commuters, with room and board available for an additional $135. The program is open to incoming high school juniors and seniors as well as this year’s graduating seniors.
Participating students can choose to focus on fiction, poetry or a combination of the two. A typical day will begin with morning sessions led by UIndy professors and other writers, discussing published fiction and poetry as well as the students’ own work. After a break for lunch and free writing, the students will learn about various writing techniques from UIndy creative writing majors. The evenings will include discussions over dinner and readings by local and national writers. At the end of the week, family and friends are invited to join the students for a public reading of their work.

The workshop’s lead faculty will be Assistant Professors Kevin McKelvey and Salvatore Pane of the UIndy Department of English.
McKelvey holds a master’s degree in poetry from Southern Illinois University Carbondale. He has received two grants from the Indiana Arts Commission and has completed residencies at Writers’ Colony at Dairy Hollow, the H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest and Isle Royale National Park. Recent writing has appeared in Midwestern Gothic, Artful Dodge and the Indianapolis Star.

Pane holds a master’s degree in creative writing from the University of Pittsburgh. He is the author of the novel Last Call in the City of Bridges and the chapbook #KanyeWestSavedFromDrowning. His work has appeared in American Short Fiction, The American Book Review, Hobart, BOMB Magazine and elsewhere. His graphic novel The Black List will be published this spring.
For registration or more information, email panes@uindy.edu or visit http://uindy.edu/cas/english/writing-camp.