Poet, former prof Alice Friman to speak April 1

Poet and UIndy professor emerita Alice Friman will return to campus April 1 for an appearance in the Kellogg Writers Series.
A New York City native, Friman was among the founders of the Indiana Writers Center and taught English and creative writing at UIndy from 1971 to 1993. She now lives in Milledgeville, Ga., where she is poet-in-residence at Georgia College.
Friman will speak at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 1, in Room 210 of Lilly Science Hall (a change from the previously announced location). Admission is free to the event, which is the final installment of this year’s Kellogg series.
She has published six full-length collections of poetry, most recently The View from Saturn (LSU Press, 2014). Her previous book, Vinculum, won the 2012 Georgia Author of the Year Award in Poetry. Friman is included in Best American Poetry 2009, received a 2012 Pushcart Prize and has won fellowships from the Arts Council of Indianapolis and the Indiana Arts Commission, among many other honors.
Other books have included The Book of the Rotten Daughter and Zoo, which won the Sheila Margaret Motton Prize from the New England Poetry Club and the Ezra Pound Poetry Award from Truman State University. Her poetry podcast series, Ask Alice, can be seen on YouTube, where each episode begins with this introduction: “Hi, this is Alice Friman talking poetry, my sweet hell.”
The Allen & Helen Kellogg Writers Series, coordinated by UIndy’s Department of English, brings writers of distinction to campus for free public readings and discussions. The series will continue on April 1 with poet Alice Friman. For more information, contact series director Elizabeth Weber at (317) 788-3373 oreweber@uindy.edu.