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Showers Lecture: Kings as Messiah, Then and Now

Apr 10, 2025
3 – 4:30 p.m. 
Online Panel Discussion

The 2025 Showers Series discusses the use of “king” and “messiah” language – from ancient Israel to modern America. Our panel discussion will consider its function across religions, societies, and political landscapes. How do these powerful symbols and titles function? How do their historical roots intertwine in the past and present?
The panel of experts includes Heath Carter (Princeton Theological Seminary), Jeremy Williams (Brite Divinity School and Vanderbilt University), and Sarah Posner (journalist, author of Unholy). Nathan Johnson (UIndy Religion Department) will facilitate, with space for participant questions to our panelists.


  • Heath Carter (Princeton Seminary)
    • Heath W. Carter is the associate professor of American Christianity and Director of PhD Studies at Princeton Theological Seminary. He is the author of Union Made: Working People and the Rise of Social Christianity in Chicago and is currently finishing a book entitled On Earth as it is in Heaven: Social Christians and the Fight to End American Inequality.
  • Jeremy Williams (Brite Divinity School and Vanderbilt University)
  • Sarah Posner (journalist, author of Unholy)