In the news: Business faculty and CELL staff

UIndy’s Dr. Darrell Bowman, assistant professor of Information Systems in the School of Business, was interviewed by WISH-TV this week about the latest security risk facing users of the Internet Explorer web browser.
Dr. Bowman agreed with the Department of Homeland Security: If you use IE, switch to a different browser until Microsoft comes up with a fix. Watch or read the report here.
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Dr. David Dresslar, executive director of UIndy’s Center of Excellence in Leadership of Learning, was asked by the Indianapolis Star recently to write an opinion column about Indiana’s system of teacher assessment.
He says the current system isn’t working, but a different approach taking root in some Indiana schools — with the assistance of CELL — shows promise. Read the piece here.
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Dr. Matt Will, associate professor of Finance in the School of Business, was interviewed by WIBC-FM this week about the news that China’s economy soon will outgrow that of the U.S. to become the largest in the world.
Although the designation may carry some psychological weight, he said, the United States still far outpaces any other country in terms of its per capita productivity. Listen to his comments here.