Professional Edge Center names key staffers
UIndy’s Professional Edge Center has appointed three assistant directors to serve as liaisons between students, faculty, alumni and specific growth industries around the state.
The center works with local employers and professionals to develop internship, mentorship, entrepreneurship and employment opportunities for students and new graduates. The center also seeks to create career pipelines in entrepreneurship and in business sectors that are important to the Indiana economy and tied to UIndy’s academic programs and expertise: health care; education; manufacturing and logistics; financial services; education; arts and humanities; communication and law; public service and nonprofit management; and social services.

Libby Davis is assistant director for Manufacturing & Logistics/Financial Services/Entrepreneurship. Her higher-education experience includes more than a decade as an assistant director in career services at the University of Indianapolis.
She holds a bachelor’s degree in liberal studies from UIndy with a minor in business administration.

Nicole Martinez-LeGrand is assistant director for Arts & Humanities/Communication & Law. She comes to the university from The Children’s Museum of Indianapolis, where she served as a community relations liaison.
She holds a bachelor’s degree in art history from Marian University and a master’s degree in museum studies from IUPUI.

Jennifer Smith is assistant director for Public Service & Nonprofit Management/Social Services. She comes to the university from St. Vincent Cancer Care, where she served as an outreach coordinator and patient navigator.
She holds a bachelor’s degree in psychology from Purdue University and a master’s degree in social work from IUPUI.
More information on the Professional Edge Center is available at