News event, bus tour kick off planning process
Steven Alonso, president and CEO of Fifth Third Bank, Greater Indiana, discusses his company’s $100,000 grant during a news conference Thursday at UIndy.
The 18-month process of developing a quality-of-life plan for the near-Southside began Thursday with a news conference at UIndy and a bus tour for 50 government, neighborhood and business leaders.

Fifth Third Bank is providing a $100,000 grant to the Local Initiatives Support Corp. to guide the process of gathering input and developing a framework for redeveloping the area bounded by Raymond Street, I-65, I-465 and Meridian Street, which includes the university campus, Garfield Park and the Madison Avenue commercial corridor. LISC and UIndy will raise an additional $70,000 to support the planning process.
UIndy President Robert Manuel talks to a crew from WRTV after the announcement.