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Amy Magan featured in local news article for reversing her Type 2 Diabetes

Amy Magan Headshot

Amy Magan, communications manager for the Center for Aging & Community at UIndy, was interviewed on RTV6 local news for her victory against Type 2 diabetes.

She spoke about her ties to diabetes through genetics and the births of her three children, and how often she lived life in denial of the looming threat to her health. Only after a conversation with her doctor did she begin to make positive changes to her exercise and diet.

Her first bit of advice came in the form of a dietary tip. “If the food has sugar listed in the first three ingredients, I don’t eat it.” As for her work on campus, she uses the stairs when possible.

These changes shifted Magan’s status as borderline diabetic to one of normal levels of glucose and cholesterol. Further, it has resulted in a positive outlook for her quality of life.

“Because of the changes I was willing to make, not only have I set out a great example for my kids as they enter adulthood, I’m going to be around to teach my grandkids.”

Read the full article here.