UIndy Students Recognized for Their Service-Learning Experience at 2022 Community Campus Forum and Service Expo
On April 26, 2022, the University of Indianapolis Center for Service-Learning and Community Engagement recognized three students for their dedication to changing lives through curricular service.

Maddie Abramson ‘22 (Social Work) received the Outstanding Undergraduate Student Service-Learning Award. Maddie was nominated for the award by Christine Jansing, MSW, LCSW, assistant professor with the Phylis Lan Department of Social Work. Maddie’s dedication to service is evident in her dedication and involvement to many great causes.
As Professor Jansing explained in her nomination: “During her Junior Practicum, Maddie served at Cancer Support Community for one semester assisting with programs and ensuring the needs of the clients were met virtually. This was especially challenging through the pandemic given the vulnerability of cancer patients. In addition, during her Senior Practicum, Maddie served in a leadership capacity at Right Fit, overseeing after school programming at local schools that would not have otherwise provided those services at no-cost to its participants. Maddie was responsible for ensuring the children served had a safe and enriching experience, and that their basic needs were met. On top of this, Maddie has served as President of the Social Work Association, which engaged in service learning projects throughout the academic year including collecting clothing for a community center at Christmas, sponsoring the “Out of the Darkness” walk to support suicide prevention, and the Social Work Celebration in March. It is clear that Maddie embodies the heart of a social worker and the UIndy motto ‘Education for Service.’”
Daphne Joslyn ‘25 (Health Science, Aging Studies) received the Outstanding Graduate Student Service-Learning Award. Daphne was nominated for the award by Dr. Lisa Borrero, associate professor of interprofessional health and aging studies. Daphne has demonstrated an unwavering determination and dedication to not only her academic career, but to using that career in service of others.
As Dr. Borrero highlighted in her nomination: “Daphne’s work is consistently top-notch — incorporating a level of thoughtfulness, attention to detail, and rigor that frequently sets her apart from other students. True to form, her work on these service-learning assignments in GERO 505 was exceptional and demonstrated a clear commitment to providing Joy’s House with a valuable set of tools for their caregivers and staff that included key educational information and resources to aid in meeting the needs of their older adult clients. Not only was the information she provided accurate and relevant, but it was presented in a tailored and well-organized manner, and with appropriate use of language, to suit the specific needs of the target audience. Daphne demonstrated a level of dedication to the projects in this course that was undeniable throughout. She is a student deserving of recognition for her hard work on many levels.”

Niki Mihovilovic ‘23 (Physical Therapy) also received the Outstanding Graduate Student Service-Learning Award. Niki was nominated for this award by Lindsey Kojich, PT, DPT, assistant professor of physical therapy, and Catherine Dearing, PT. Niki has proven his commitment to helping others and well as helping himself, as he learns and grows through his service projects.
As Kojich and Dearing explained in their nomination: “Niki performed his service project with Camp Possibilities, an adaptive camp for individuals with spinal cord injuries. Niki was paired with a camper who had a recent spinal cord injury and was a first-time camper. Niki’s role at camp was to assist his camper with fun activities during camp as well as transfers, toileting, and other daily activities. Niki’s experience at Camp Possibilities pushed him out of his comfort zone and allowed him to positively impact his camper’s life and also expand his horizons.”
The Center for Service-Learning and Community Engagement would like to commend all students who engaged in incredibly meaningful and efficient ways throughout the school year and dedicated their coursework to serve and learn! Special thanks to all of UIndy’s community partners who are engaging with our faculty in the development and delivery of such impactful service-learning experiences.