Two Events Celebrate a Year of Service-Learning and Community Engagement by UIndy Students, Faculty, and Staff

2023 UIndy Community Campus Forum & Service Expo
The annual Community Campus Forum & Service Expo celebrates the many ways UIndy collaborates with the community through service and service-learning projects.
The Expo
This year’s event was held April 26. More than 50 students participated in the Service-Learning Expo, showcasing projects from a variety of academic areas, including nursing, social sciences, social work, education, and more.

The Awards
In addition, the Center for Service-Learning and Community Engagement awarded UIndy’s outstanding service-learning students as well as community partners that engaged with our students and faculty in exceptionally meaningful ways through service-learning experiences.
UIndy extends its congratulations to this year’s winners!
Kensington Eiler, Physical Therapy
Outstanding Graduate Student Service-Learning Award
Peyton Panozzo, Nursing
Outstanding Undergraduate Student Service-Learning Award
Liam Price, Communications
Outstanding Student Volunteer Award
Leah Kuruzar, Adelante Schools
Community Partner Award
Dori Sparks-Unsworth, Pink Ribbon Connection
Community Partner Award

The Newest Faculty to Continue the Mission
Finally, during the event, UIndy’s Center for Service-Learning and Community Engagement and the national organization Community Engaged Alliance also recognized UIndy’s Community of Practice Interdisciplinary Faculty Cohort.
The community of practice is designed to give new faculty members the tools they need to provide service-learning curriculum and be ready to implement it during their second years and beyond. It aims to enhance diverse community partnerships through collaborative service-learning course development, strengthen community relationships, improve student learning outcomes, and develop faculty through service-learning.
Congratulations to the following faculty participants in the 2022-2023 cohort, Strengthening a Community Anchor: Going Beyond the University Boundaries to Enhance Communities through Interdisciplinary Community Engaged Alliances!
Maribel Campoy, Global Languages & Cross-Cultural Studies
Amy Conrad, Global Languages & Cross-Cultural Studies
Lynell Cooper, Social Work
Dr. Roxxi Davis, Social Work
Dr. Claudia Giardina, Global Languages & Cross-Cultural Studies
Dr. Alex Nelson, Anthropology
Dr. Craig Seidelson, School of Business
Dr. Laura Merrifield Wilson, Political Sciences

The Great UIndy Cleanup
On April 29, the Center for Service-Learning and Community Engagement (CSLCE) partnered with the City of Indianapolis and Keep Indianapolis Beautiful to gather students, faculty, staff, community members, and friends of UIndy for the Great UIndy Cleanup.
The event was financially supported by UIndy’s Office of Inclusive Excellence and Retention Strategy, UIndy’s Ron & Laura Strain Honors College, Ryze Claim Solutions, and Howard Companies.
“Events like this one are key to maintaining engagement with our communities and building meaningful and reciprocal relationships,” said Marianna Foulkrod, Director of CSLCE. “We loved serving alongside our amazing community partners, neighborhood residents, students, faculty, and staff, as well as their families, while celebrating our community and our togetherness through service.”

For more information about either of these events, please contact Marianna Foulkrod at