Life at UIndy: The NTU Student Experience
Each year, the University of Indianapolis-Ningbo Tech University Joint Program invites NTU students to the UIndy campus to study in the UIndy School of Business and experience life as an American college student.
During the 2022-2023 academic year, UIndy hosted four students as part of the UIndy-NTU Joint Program. These students spent nine months on-campus in Indianapolis, living in UIndy’s residence halls, attending classes, participating in campus traditions, and exploring all that Indianapolis has to offer in their free time. Jiani Ruan especially enjoyed the variety of recreational facilities, including the Ruth Lilly Fitness Center pool, racquetball courts, and multiple fitness areas, while Zongbin Yan appreciated the opportunity to practice piano in UIndy’s Christel DeHaan Fine Arts Center.
When asked why they decided to participate in the UIndy-NTU Joint Program, Rongjie Wang and Jiani both stated their desire to experience American culture and educational systems. In addition, Yifan Luo and Zongbin wanted the opportunity to experience new cultures and, quite literally, broaden their horizons.
Traveling to a new country does come with its challenges, such as language barriers, but UIndy provided the support needed for Rongjie, Jiani, Yifan, and Zongbin to succeed and enjoy their experience.
“To tell the truth, at the beginning of my ethics course, it was very difficult, mainly because of the language barrier,” said Rongjie. “I didn’t know much about some of the philosophy terms, so my score in the first quiz was very low. My professor, Dr. Lacey Davidson noticed my academic performance, so she took the initiative to contact me and communicate with me. She patiently explained to me again the knowledge I did not understand in class and encouraged me to actively participate in class. In the end, I felt more comfortable and understood more.”
NTU students are also supported through the UIndy Center for Global Engagement (CGE), which facilitates the UIndy-NTU Joint Program. The CGE connects students with new cultural experiences and resources to understand different cultures. Yifan connected with Marilyn Chase, Director of International Services. Marilyn provided Yifan guidance on their educational pursuits and career ambitions.
Rongjie, Jiani, Yifan, and Zongbin all enjoyed their time at UIndy so much that they recommend other NTU students join the UIndy-NTU Joint Program.
“Compared with staying at NTU, studying in UIndy is totally different,” said Jiani. “Students can better feel the American localized education model, experience being classmates with American students, and at the same time travel to other places in the United States during the holidays to appreciate new customs.”
To learn more about the UIndy-NTU Joint Program.