In the news: Forensics, Comm, History

Dr. Krista Latham and UIndy’s Archeology & Forensics field team were featured this week in an episode of Crime Watch Daily, a syndicated TV news magazine that airs on stations across the country, including local WXIN-Fox59. Latham and the team of Human Biology graduate students have been assisting Boone County officials in trying to identify a woman whose remains were discovered by a farmer 23 years ago.
“I believe very strongly in dignity in life and dignity in death, and part of dignity in death is having a name,” Latham told the host. Watch the segment here.
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Communications instructor Scott Uecker, general manager of WICR-FM/HD and UIndy TV, is a key source for an Indianapolis Business Journal story on a dilemma facing TV stations in Indiana and across the country: whether or not to sell their coveted broadcast frequencies to the FCC for use with emerging technologies, which could bring tens of millions in cash but require the stations to stop broadcasting or start over elsewhere on the dial.
“It’s an interesting time for broadcasters,” Uecker said in the interview. “Do you take a big check, buy an island and retire? Do you take a smaller check, accept a new space on the spectrum, and try to retool for the future? Or do you just go on and hope there is a long-term future for the television industry in this changing landscape?”
Read the story here.
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The appointment of a new Indianapolis police chief sparked some requests for perspective from not one, but two faculty members from the Department of History & Political Science.
The Indianapolis Star contacted Dr. Laura Albright and Dr. Edward Frantz, who also directs UIndy’s Institute for Civic Leadership & Mayoral Archives, for its story on Troy Riggs’ pending return to city government. Read the story here.